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January 9, 2001 - Tuesday

Getting to work today was an adventure, up there with those of Indiana Jones. Picture if you will a narrow road. Now, picture snow piled up on both sides of the road. Add churned up snow hiding black ice to the middle of the road. Then, place one very nervous and scared gaijin trying to walk up the hill in between the cars that are careening up and down the road. That gives you an idea of what I went through!

Work was quiet today, I got a lot of planning done and also attended a telephone meeting. I didn't get any interesting mail though, or in fact, any mail at all.

Lunch was a bento from a convenience store. But, I have outdone myself! Tonight I set up my rice cooker so I'll have hot rice for breakfast tomorrow. Yeah, I'll still probably buy lunch, but if I don't buy breakfast it'll be a good thing.

I had a new student in one of my classes today. She's a transfer student from another class. It really helped make the atmosphere in the class lighter. She's a really fun person.

After classes a bunch of us stood and talked in the lobby. We had a great gab session. After the students left we talked about planning a party for later this month.

I was delayed doing my paper work so I didn't leave until 10:30. I walked home, but as the road was a lot quieter at night it wasn't so scary. I also did a bit of zig-zagging to avoid the ice patches too.

I watched Sherlock Holmes tonight. I enjoyed it.

There isn't much else to report tonight. A pretty nice day. It was cold during the day, around -10 then tonight it had warmed up to -3. I hope that doesn't mean that there is snow coming. Sigh.


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