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January 10, 2001 - Wednesday

Today was a pretty good day. I ate my rice this morning and was pleasantly surprised that my rice cooker still worked-not really, as I knew it did, but it has been a long time since I've cooked rice.

I walked to work and was pleasantly was a balmy 4 degrees out there. The snow was melting and the roads were streaming with water. It actually was easy to walk on as the snow had give. I didn't slip much this morning.

Work was fine. My omiyage from Yamagata arrived today and was gratefully received. I taught only 4 lessons but I was prepared for 6, in case a couple of students showed up unexpectedly. The child who sometimes misbehaves was his most angelic today, so that class was relatively stress free.
I even had a new class start today that was a lot of fun. Yay! Its about time that I had one of those here.

After work I managed to leave quite early and in fact walked home with Justin. I checked my e-mail and as soon as I went off-line, the phone rang. It was my friend Susan and we had a nice chat. It's always nice to talk to someone who used to know me way back when.

And that's about it. Soon, I'm going to set up my rice cooker again for the morning. It was a really nice thing to eat something hot and cheap at home. Yum.

Talk to you later....

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