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January 11, 2001 - Thursday

Hello! Well, today was a very very quiet day at work. Only one of my classes showed up. It was very sad.

I'm getting ahead of myself as usual though. I received notification this morning of a parcel, I figured that my old boss re-sent the parcel to me. I walked to work, not such a big chore today as a lot of snow had been removed.

I prepared for my first class, but the student didn't come. While I was waiting, I started planning other classes. The student never did come, so I planned for Friday and Saturday too!

I went out for lunch today and I had tonkatsu. I had received a new Cosmo a few days ago and I hadn't been able to read it, so going out for lunch gives me a good chance to read it. Yay. When I paid for my meal, the lady gave me a New Year's present of a towel. Isn't that nice? I thought so.

I was finished work early so I left before everyone else! I walked down to the post office and picked up my package. Japan's main post offices have a really great feature. They have a section that stays open really late to let people mail things or pick up parcels. Yay Japan! Well, the guy recognized me from Monday night and explained that they'd tried to send it back to Tsuruoka, but my manager hadn't put her address on the package! So, they tried me again. I was so happy to get the parcel, but I became even happier when I opened it. Inside was an old Cosmo (from September) and a letter/Christmas card from an old friend. An old friend that I had been trying to find for about a year and a half. I'm so happy.

In the time that she's been "missing" she got married so the name searches that I tried to do didn't work. I'm so happy to hear from her.

And that was about it. I came home, wrote her a long long e-mail and some other ones too. Then I wrote my entry.

And there you have it. That's my day. Work was boring, but I got a letter that made me happy, another Cosmo to read...hey, life is good, right?


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