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January 12, 2001 - Friday

Today was a cold day. Really quite cold for Japan. It was -11 on the way to work, -9 on the way home.

I ate my rice this morning and then headed off for work. It was difficult because they were clearing the roads. I had to stand off at the side while the grader and a truck went by. A lot of the places were easier to walk with less snow.

Work was fine today. I had a new student but neither of us were nervous so it worked out well. My other classes went well too.

I spent a lot of time at work looking at a student's photo's of her trip to Britain. It was interesting seeing places that I love from someone else's perspective. I also received 2 pieces of mail today. A Christmas Card and a Christmas/New Year letter, so that was quite nice.

After work I came home and tried to thaw my apartment. The landlord had asked me to turn off the water before I left for work, I did, but my apartment wasn't below zero or anything. It's still darn cold.

I just finished watching Ally McBeal and in a few minutes I'll be going off to bed. I'm trying to decide how to stay warm tonight. Sigh.

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