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January 13, 2001 - Saturday

Today was a good day at work, all of my students came. That was really nice.

I have a bad headache at the moment, well actually, I've had it all day so please forgive me if this is disjointed. It's a bit hard to gather my thoughts and put them in a semblance of order.

I got to work on time and read the paper and prepared for my classes. All the major work was done, but I did things like check tapes. Classes were fine today, no problems or anything. In my last class we had a great discussion about the new gun laws in Canada and my favourite topic, the difference between Canada and the US. It was fun.

After work, I did my paperwork and then left for home. I detoured into 7-11 for some supper and then walked home. I watched 90210 and taped Dharma and Greg. I have to watch it yet.

I think I'll go to bed soon. I might just leave the heater on tonight, I'm really cold. In fact, I got up last night to turn the heater on again as I was freezing in bed last night. When I went to bed it was 26 degrees, when I got up in the middle of the night it was down to 5 degrees. That meant that in less than 2 hours my apartment lost more than 20 degrees. Hmm. Not very good.

Anyway, I'll catch you tomorrow...maybe! Night.

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