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January 14, 2001 - Sunday

Today was a calm and peaceful day. I slept in late, real late. During my New Year's holiday I got up early every day so I felt I deserved a late lie-in.

I did my laundry today too. That wasn't so exciting.

After I finished laundry I went to the mall. I walked down and up the hill, it was a little scary, but doable. I was lucky, I just caught a train. If I'd missed it, I would have had to wait another 20 minutes.

At the train station I ran into my co-worker Michiyo and we said hi. She told me the mall was very busy. She was right! There were lots of people there.

I didn't do a lot, bought a couple of magazines and a novel. I foolishly bought the second novel in a series before I bought the first so I wanted to get the first one to read. I checked the theatre, but really there wasn't much playing there that I wanted to see.

I bought some thank you cards and some birthday cards too. Many of my friends will be having birthdays soon. I went to the coffee shop for a flavoured latte, it was yummy and then decided to go home. I hit the grocery store for a few necessities then caught a train home.

I walked up the hill to my apartment. I spent the rest of the evening writing letters and postcards. It was good to get them off my to-do list.

I'll likely go to bed soon. I have to get up and go to my Japanese lesson tomorrow. I haven't studied in a long time. Sigh. Silly me.

Well, I'll catch you on the morrow. I have no plans at the moment after my lesson. Nighty-night.

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