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January 28, 2001 - Sunday

I'm presently watching an interview with Meryl Streep and it's darn interesting. It's so nice to see a very intelligent woman who has succeeded in her profession..not the most beautiful woman but incredibly talented.

So, I slept in very late again. It was wonderful! I think I'd like to take a week off and just sleep! I bet I could do it.

When I finally did get up, I did my laundry and watched a bit of TV. I figured out how to use my liquid detergent's only been 2 months that I've had it!

I tidied up a bit, but I have to do the remainder tomorrow. Sigh. It's been a while since I straightened up my apartment, and it really needs it now.

Around 4 I decided to shower and get ready for the party. I left around 6:00 and walked to my office. I had left my Japanese book there yesterday, so I had to get it. I retrieved it then I headed to the train station.

I arrived at the mall at 7:00 so I walked very quickly to the restaurant. I was about 10 minutes late and everyone was already seated. Oh well. I was fashionably late! The food was great. We had samosas, salad, tandori chicken, sausage, nan, and wonderful curries. Yum.

I was very lucky. I got lots of presents. I wasn't expecting any actually, but did quite well. I got movie tickets, a photo album, a cup and some tea, a glass, some handkerchiefs, flowers, chocolates, and a cd carry pack. There was also a sign with my name on it in hiragana that some students made for me and a beautiful card book, but I'm not exactly sure what it is yet.

After dinner 6 of us went to karaoke. It was fun. I got to sing the new Ricky Martin song "She-Bangs". That was a hoot. I also tried a Britney Spears...Oops I did it again, which was difficult. I wanted to sing it faster than the words. I did an Andy Gibb song that I heard in the covered mall a few days ago. Michiyo sang "Saturday Night" which was great. Usually I do all the Bay City Rollers stuff.

When our two hours were up we ended the party and I was home before midnight. It was a great day and I really enjoyed myself at the party. It was nice. It wasn't a high stress party at all, just nice. Good food, nice people, great music...Yeah!

Later eh!

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