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July 1, 2001 - Sunday

Happy Canada Day!

I didn't have a good day. I was sleeping in as I went to bed really late last night. My telephone rang at 11:30. I woke up to answer it. It was from a very good friend, talking about travel plans. Our plans had to change unfortunately.

Then, I went back to bed and slept for a few more hours. When I got up I got another phone call. This one was from my sister. She wanted to know if I was alive. She was very rude and hung up after about 5 words. I was upset. I sent her an e-mail and tried to make it as non-confrontational as possible. Maybe I didn't manage.

I stayed up and did my laundry. I ate some salad that I bought last night and then went out. I had to meet David and see AI. It was okay, it certainly wasn't what I expected.

I came home after and checked my e-mail. Sadly there was an e-mail from my sister and it was nasty. She really hates me, at least that's how I feel.

I stayed up watching some TV and tapes, until I was slightly more calm, and now I'm going to go to bed. This hasn't been a good day for me. Thanks Van. I do appreciate it so very much.

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