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July 2, 2001 - Monday

A little better today, but not much. I guess you could say that I'm still a bit heartsick, but there's not much I can do about it.

I went to my lesson today and it was really good. I'm finally learning about things like furniture and the names of rooms in a house. Things that are good for me to learn.

After my lesson I came home. I watched a little TV, wrote some e-mail and then took a 2 hour nap. I haven't been sleeping well lately, so it was a nice way for me to catch up and recuperate a bit. When I woke up I felt better, but hungry.

I thought about my options for restaurants and then decided that I would try something different. I went to Steak Victoria. I really wanted a steak. I had a nice one, plus, soup and salad bar and drink. I decided to just come home after my meal, so I did.

I watched a little TV, but not much. With Wimbledon on there isn't a lot of things to watch. I also did my legs with the shaver thingy I bought a few months ago. I used the plucker thing and my poor legs were all covered in spots. I hope they recover by tomorrow!

Anyway, that's it. A low key day. Just what I needed.

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