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June 30, 2001 - Saturday

Sometimes I hate Saturdays. I was so busy today. I had my usual 7 lessons, but all but one of them had only one person in them. That means that I have to do a lot of the talking. It gets tiring.

But, some good things happened today. My student told me that she got her doctorate. YAY! That's so great. She worked so hard on it too.

I did a lot of Canada Day things today too and they went quite well, I hope that everyone was interested in it.

I didn't stay too late at work, I'm happy to say. I was really tired, so I walked home. I went to the convenience store to get something for supper. I met David in the store and we made plans to see a movie tomorrow. I hope that it will be fun.

At home, I turned on the light in my genkan and discovered a big yucky bug. It looked like a centipede with really long antenna. I didn't do anything with it, but a little later I saw one just like it waltz across the living room wall. Unfortunately it disappeared before I could get it a new home. Ever since it disappeared my skin has been crawling and I just haven't wanted to go to bed in case I run into it again. Yucky.

Roswell was really interesting tonight and Dharma and Greg was a hoot, as always. I also watched a bit of a show promo-ing Dark Angel. It looks like it might be good. I wonder if it'll be on TV or not.

I'm now watching the second part of a really good Voyager. Well, the first part was good anyway.
I'll let you know how it turns out later.


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