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July 4, 2001 - Wednesday

A hot and muggy day. Tonight my apartment was 26 degrees when I got home. I've got my windows open so I can get a bit of a cross draft and my fan is on, so it's almost bearable. I hate summer in Japan. I think I should summer in Canada. If I ever become a lady of leisure, that's what I'm going to do!

I just ate some basil-garlic pasta which was yummy. I finally started to eat the stuff that I've been storing in my freezer for Heaven's knows how long!

Work was fine today. I only had 4 classes and they went reasonably well. My last class went quite well, I was pleased with it, despite 4 students not coming. Only 2 out of 6 people came. Argh! I can't believe it. I slaved over that lesson too. Well, not actually slaved, but I did plan it quite hard. It was fun for the 2 ladies that came.

My shared private student came today and we got through a lesson okay too. My children's group went well and in fact one of my students decided to continue studying. Yay!

I also worked on a display promoting my stamping exhibition on Saturday night. I hope a few people show up. It isn't much fun for me if they don't.

Anyway, that's it for me. I hope it cools off soon, but it probably won't. It was 39.1 degrees near Tokyo today. That's too hot. Night night.

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