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July 5, 2001 - Thursday

Hello again. Yes, it's me! I had a very tired day..I stayed up late last night because I didn't sleep well. It was hot and then it started to rain. I love the sound of rain but here it pings on the roof next to mine and drives me crazy. I didn't go to bed until late either, so I'd better get off early tonight.

Classes went quite well. I had one cancel, but I planned a couple of lessons for Saturday, so that was good. I also tried to rouse up support for my chat time. People are interested, but the time is bad for most people.

My last two classes were both difficult. The students had a hard time understanding the topics, but I think they finally got the idea.

I got done tonight before 10 and walked home. I checked my e-mail and discovered that my friend Susan had followed some of my suggestions and had improved her homepage. The links work. Yay! And she was nice enough to publicly give me credit.

That's about it. With Wimbledon on, I'm missing all of my regular shows. Sigh. As if life wasn't difficult enough with the hot humid weather! Poor me!

On that self pitying note, I'll go to bed! Night.

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