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July 6, 2001 - Friday

Today was a weird day! But it finished well, and I guess that's all that counts. I was lucky because it was Cosmo day today! Yay! I went out for lunch to read and celebrate.

My classes went quite well, they were a lot of fun. We laughed a lot in them.

It rained a lot during the day. It has stopped as of now, but for a while it was crazy. When I ran to the restaurant for lunch I almost got soaked!

After work I went out with two of my students and the school staff. We went to Scampos and it was fun. We ate a lot and some people drank a lot, and it was just fun. One of my students wrote down many phrases and was trying to use them. That was fun, especially when David did some role playing to show him how to use them!

I got home just after 12. It was a good evening and I'm really glad that I asked my students.

Anyway, I am tired and I have to go into work early tomorrow, so I'll bid you adieu. Adieu!

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