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July 7, 2001 - Saturday

I'm writing this a day late because when it was time to write it last night I just couldn't do it. I was very tired and it was late.

Yesterday was okay, if a bit sad. My first class didn't happen as no one showed up. They didn't phone either so I don't know what happened. My other two classes went well. In one of them I'd prepared a special lesson talking about a and the and the students enjoyed it. I'm glad!

After that class it was time for chat time, but as I half expected, no one came. It was very sad for me as I'd lugged all of my stamping stuff to the school and set it all up. The manager and Michiyo weren't busy so they enjoyed learning about it, but that wasn't the point.

When the school closed I got some news. It turned out that the owner of our company may visit us. So, I decided to stay late and clean my desk off. That's about as far as I'll go to impress the powers that be.

I came home and watched some tv. WOWOW is having a free weekend so I finally got to see Sex and the City. It was okay, but maybe it needs repeat viewings to make it funnier.

So, then I went to bed.It was late, but I just didn't want to write my entry or anything else. So, I went to bed.

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