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July 8, 2001 - Sunday

It's been a kind of dull, do nothing day. I got up around 10:30. I watched TV for a while, but wanted to go back to bed for a bit so I did. I couldn't sleep though, so I ended up getting back up.

I really didn't do anything then all of a sudden I realized that I had to do laundry! I did my laundry and then I went out.

I went out for supper. I went to Columbia and had Cutlet and Curry. It was pretty good. The waiter was very young and he tried to speak English with me. He did very well too! When he heard that I'd lived in Yamagata-ken before he gave me a bowl of cherries for dessert, for free! He said they were from Yamagata. Too nice! I started to read one of the books that Susan had sent me too. It's a bit weird and I'm not sure if I like it or not.

Then I went to Mosburgers for a milkshake and then walked home. It was drizzling a bit so I got a little wet, but not too bad.

At home I watched the end of The Mask on TV and later I watched Survivor. It's getting pretty cut-throat now.

And that's it. I'm going to be soon so that I can get up in time for my lesson tomorrow. A do nothing kind of day. I should have worked, but I couldn't do it. Sigh.

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