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July 14, 2001 - Saturday

Happy Bastille Day!

It's hot. In my apartment it's about 27 degrees at 3:30 in the morning. I hate the heat, I really do.

I had a long busy day today. I had 7 classes and actually they all went well. Hurray.

We ordered lunch in and all of us ate together. That was really nice. I never did that in Tsuruoka. I wanted to, but there was nowhere to order from.

When I came home tonight I watched Roswell and Dharma and Greg. They were quite good tonight. I'm now watching some of the tapes from last year that I got. I discovered a bunch when I cleaned my living room last weekend.

One of my students came back from Canada yesterday. He was a bit jet lagged, but had had a really good time in Vancouver. He was most amazed by the daylight even late at night (10:00 pm). I have to admit, that is one thing that I miss, the long light evenings in summer.

Anyway, I have a busy day ahead of me so I think I'll call this an evening. Good night.

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