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May 31, 2001 - Thursday

There was great rejoicing in the land, it was Cosmo day today!

I got an e-mail from Vanessa this morning. The swimsuits arrived and Katie loved them. I'm so glad. Van said that Katie wouldn't take one of them off! After I checked my e-mail I ate breakfast at home, then walked to work. It rained quite a bit this morning, so I had to take my big umbrella.

I was a little busy today, but not too bad. I got a lot of planning done for the next few days, although I do have one more class to plan for Saturday.

I went out for lunch and to read my Cosmo. It was nice. I had pork cutlet for lunch.

Classes went quite well today, it was the last day for one of my students before her homestay in Canada. She's going to Victoria, which I hope will have nice weather. I'm sure that she will have a great time. I'm so excited for her.

On my way home from work I picked up something at Mosburgers. It was nice for a change, but I think I may have got the wrong burger. It seemed too spicy, but I don't really know. It was wet out when I walked home, but it wasn't raining, so I just carried my brolly home.

And that's about it. I want to read my Cosmo, so I'll end this I think! Night.

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