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June 8, 2001 - Friday

A bit of a cloudy day. It wasn't so warm today. It was okay and it didn't rain, but it threaten a bit.

I was semi busy today, five classes plus a meeting. The thing was that only two of my classes went the way I wanted them too. My kids class, well, I don't know what the heck they were doing today, and my others, hah! In one class, a student had done the days task at home. It was so annoying. The other student hadn't done it, she wasn't supposed to, so the activity just didn't work out the way it should have. In my last class of the day 4 people didn't show up! 4 out of 6. I was going to start a new unit, but I put it on hold until next week.

Tomorrow a few of my students may be missing. I just hope that the ones that are missing are in the same class! Then I can have that time for sleeping. Ha ha, just kidding. I would use the time to plan classes for next week. I promise!

I bought a few things at the convenience store tonight on my way home. I had a type of salad with meat and bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. Yum. They are good, even if they put egg salad on them.

I'm reading 2 books right now. At home I've got the latest Patricia Cornwell and it's darn good. At work I have Bridget Jones-Edge of Reason. I read it during lunch hours and stuff. It's quite funny. She doesn't seem to be quite as annoying in this book as she was in the first one.

Anyway, I've gotta hit the sack. Talk to ya later....

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