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June 9, 2001 - Saturday

Hmm. A bizarre kind of day. But good actually.

I got up early and did laundry. I don't really know why, but it's done and hanging up every where. Yay me!

However, I did leave for work a bit late. I didn't leave until 11:15 which is a good five minutes later than usual. I stopped at the local hotel bakery to get some food for breakfast.

Work was odd today. I only taught the equivalent of 3 classes. My first class had no one show up and the last one has only 1 student so when she called to say she wasn't coming it meant that I was free. I got a lot of things done. I planned one class for all of next week, wrote 3 children's counselling sheets and a letter to a child's parents.

For lunch I ordered in for a change. It was great....chicken curry. Yum. While I was eating I read some of Bridget Jones Edge of Reason. It was hysterical. She was interviewing Colin Firth about a movie he was making and all along she was pumping him for information about Pride and Prejudice. It was so incredibly funny I was laughing out loud.

I left the office early tonight. I was hungry, but I didn't want to go to my usual haunts. I went to Cafe Julio's for a change. I'd been there before with my old co-workers but never for a meal. I had spaghetti with black pepper and cheese and an iced Cappuccino. It was delicious. It was nice to eat food that wasn't highly processed for a change.

I came home and wrote a ton of e-mail. It's almost 4:00 in the morning and I've just finished e-mail. I have to get to bed....sigh. Night!

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