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June 19, 2001 - Tuesday

A strange day today. Two of my classes cancelled. Everyone is busy these days.

I got a lot of paperwork done that I'd been putting off for while, so it was nice to have the extra time.

Other classes went quite well I think. I got to see some of my student's pictures of Victoria. It was so beautiful. Just like I remembered.

I was very tired today. I wanted to sleep all day!

I woke up this morning to my new cds. They sounded very good and I enjoyed them very much. Tomorrow I'll get to hear them again. Yay.

I got home in time to watch the tail end of The Guns of Navarone. I loved that book. What a great movie. They didn't stick to Alistair Maclean's book very much but it is a humdinger of a movie anyway.

Anyway, I have a zillion things to do tonight before I go to bed, hopefully soon, that I want to get to it. Night night!

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