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June 29, 2001 - Friday

I wasn't too busy today, but I didn't get a lot done. I did prepare a lot of things for my Canada Day lessons tomorrow and Tuesday.

One of my lessons cancelled today. A bit sad really. Tomorrow, I know that one of my students isn't coming. I do hope that everyone else comes though. It's much more fun when people are there.

It's still really hot. I can hardly believe how hot it was today. I hate summer in Japan. It's always too hot. At least in the north it isn't so humid. That would put me right over the edge into "I'm gonna die territory!"

I've been trying to make plans for Sunday. I've been invited to two barbeques on Sunday, but I don't think I'll go to either. I really don't like spending a lot of time in the sun and I'd need to get my laundry done and my apartment sorted out.

Anyway, not much to say today. I went to Mosburgers for supper tonight, well, I brought it home with me and watched to the end of the tape that Van sent. It was good. One thing about Wimbledon tennis, it makes me glad that I have those tapes.

I gotta go. I'm really tired!


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