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March 31, 2001 - Saturday

A busy day today. Of course I had my usual 7 classes. And, they were ALL one person classes, so a bit difficult.

During my so-called lunch hour I did an interview. It wasn't too bad though as I'd had lots of prior warning. I didn't get much time to eat lunch though. Oh well. The interview went really well and I think that she decided to study with me.

After work, I was a bit tired, but I asked my co-workers if they'd like to go for coffee. Sadly they couldn't go, but maybe they will another time.

I came home via the convenience store. I was looking for new fluorescent light bulbs and Justin told me that I could buy them there...but I didn't see any. So, I came home, and watched 90210. They didn't play Dharma and Greg tonight. I don't know why. Some silly Japanese comedy show instead.

I did get a video from my friend Janet today. That was a nice thing. I have to send her an icq and say thanks.

Anyway, I'm watching a video, but not the one she sent me. I'm probably going to go to bed soon as I'm really tired. This has been a long week.


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