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May 5, 2001 - Saturday

We slept in and lazed around in the morning, Loreen and I. We gabbed even more and then we went to her school. I gave her some ideas for teaching and she gave me some too. It was rather fun.

Around 1:20 we drove to Olds again where we were meeting my friends Michelle and Jerry. We went into the Tim Hortons and had some soup and a sandwich while we waited. They came early and came in and we all chatted and ate until it was time to leave. Loreen and I gave each other big hugs and then I left with Michelle and Jerry.

It was a long drive back to Thorsby...about 2 and 1/2 hours. On the way we decided to rent videos and get Chinese food in for supper. Michelle was just getting over a cold so she was hacking away a bit, but I think it might have been because fo the dryness.

We finally decided on Finding Forrester...started dull, got better and X-Men...a third time to watch it. I love it.The Chinese food was good too.

After the movies, it was bed time. Night!

