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May 7, 2001 - Monday

A great day today. Really!

I babysat Katie this morning. It was fun...we watched Babe and did the Hokey-Pokey again! Poor Katie has a cold and she isn't feeling that well. Poor thing.

After Van returned from the gym we drove to Whyte Avenue where Van left me. I went to my old bank and closed my safety deposit box and did some banking stuff. It was nice to see my old co-workers.

After that I walked along Whyte Ave, stopping at The Second Cup for an ice coffee and doing a lot of shopping. I bought stamping stuff, some books for my kids classes and a few greeting cards.

Then I took a bus downtown to go to a shop that I'd heard about. Well, I didn't really know where it was and I couldn't find it. I got off the bus and called directory assistance for the phone number. I tried to call it but one of my coins wouldn't work in the telephone. It was too new or something. A woman walking by on the street offered to swap a coin with me, out of the blue. In fact, I was still in the booth when she offered. I was very surprised.That wouldn't have happened in Japan! I called the store and found out that they weren't open on Mondays anyway. Oh dear!

I then went and had a bit of lunch at a Dairy Queen. It was good, Chicken salad and a blizzard. Sigh. Not good for my diet.What diet? I'm not on a diet, so who cares?

After the meal I went back downtown and looked around the old malls that I used to haunt. Unfortunately, they were almost all closed, so I didn't do any shopping. I caught a bus down to Southgate and called Van.

I couldn't get her as she was with Katie at the swimming pool, so I left a message and went shopping in the mall. I didn't do that much, I looked a lot, especially in the cd shop and The Body Shop. I did buy some postcards though.

I called Van again and she told me that her and Joe were coming to Southgate with Katie to get me. There was a bit of trouble while I tried to figure out where they were, but I finally saw them...Van waving frantically from the top of her Jeep helped a lot. They invited me out for I said yes!

It was great. We went to The White Spot, where we all had chicken. Well, Katie-katie had toast, but she had 2 helpings of that!

When we got back to Van's I read some of my new books to Katie and then I wrote some postcards. I forgot some addresses so I hope people forgive me if they don't get one.

That's it for my day. It was a nice one. It was great to spend time on Whyte Avenue again. I really loved that area when I lived there. It was always friendly and happening. It was also nice to have a day to least mostly.

