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May 27, 2001 - Sunday

I wanted to have a low key kind of day, and I did. I stayed home almost all day. It was darn nice.

I slept in until 11:00. Considering I'd gone to bed at 4:00 that wasn't too bad. Early even especially for me. I did laundry and watched one of my movies. It was Bowfinger starring Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy and Heather Graham. It was so incredibly funny. It was about a producer (Martin) trying to make a film with Eddie Murphy. The problem was that Eddie Murphy didn't know he was in a movie. I laughed my head off at it. One of the funniest lines came at the beginning when Christine Baranski said that she had accepted an offer to go and do Cats in Edmonton! My hometown!

While I was watching the film, I did some laundry too. It didn't take too long.

I decided to go out around 6:30. I didn't have a real goal in mind, but just wanted to go for a walk. Plus I had to mail a letter to Canada too.

I walked through the covered malls as the stores were closing. I was trying to decide where to go. I did the circuit and I enjoyed myself. Finally on the way back home I stopped for supper in the restaurant near my house. It was nice and really relaxing.

Then I came home and watched Double Jeopardy. It was okay, but not great. I'm not sure exactly why it wasn't that good, but there was something lacking.

I don't know what I'll do now. It's almost 2:00 and I should either go to bed or go to bed! I'm a bit tired, but I never just want to sleep. Better go anyway.....Night night

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