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May 28, 2001 - Monday

I don't know how, but I managed to have a fairly relaxing weekend.

I did go to bed quite late last night...around 3, but I set my alarm this morning and didn't have much trouble getting up. I went to my lesson and it was fine, except I didn't study and I could tell. Sigh.

After my lesson I returned my videos and then went to the mall. I went by bus and as there were a lot of people waiting at one stop, I walked to the next one. The only problem was that I didn't realize how far it would be. Definitely not like in Edmonton where there's a stop on every block or two. Oh well.

At the mall, I checked out the films playing and there was nothing that I really wanted to see. I could have gone, but I just couldn't bring myself to see anything. I wandered around a bit and then bought 2 postcards for my collection. I had lunch in a pasta restaurant, it was okay.

Then I walked around some more, but didn't buy very much. I did buy a new magazine and a novel by Dean Koontz that I'll look forward to reading.

I realized around 4:00 that I was tired and thirsty so I decided to leave. I went and bought some groceries and some bread. In the bread shop there was a guy who was coughing all over the place and then I saw him actually touch some of the buns. Yuck. I wasn't too impressed.

I bought a few groceries and then decided to go for coffee before I left the mall. I went for an Iced Latte. It was darn good. It looked so beautiful in the glass that I didn't want to drink it!

I caught a train home easily and walked home. I just vegged for a while at home, finally ending up watching Sabrina and then ER with kind of a nap in between. I didn't really sleep, I just kind of lay on my futon and relaxed. It was nice.

I even wrote a letter tonight to my friend in Australia. Wow. What a day. I may even get to bed soon! I hope! Night!

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