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May 29, 2001 - Tuesday

I had a busy but good day today.

It was hot today...I think it reached 25 degrees. Wow. That's pretty warm for May.

I didn't eat my bagels for breakfast and I didn't eat them for supper. Silly me. I'm hoping to eat them for breakfast tomorrow.

I had a strange thing happen to me when I was in the shower this morning. The hot water died on me. Well, to be more specific, the hot water heater died on me. All of a sudden I didn't have any hot water, and my hot water heater flashed a message "61". I don't know what that meant. So I let the thing sit there for a bit and then it came back on and I finished my shower. It was cold for a few minutes though.

Anyway, work was good today. Classes went well and I had a good time teaching them. That makes such a difference. I think I'll be busy tomorrow too. Sigh.

And that's about it for me for tonight. I'm done! Night night!

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