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May 30, 2001 - Wednesday

A very strange day at work! I had 3 classes cancel. I was only supposed to have 6, but some of them didn't show up. One student didn't even call! The nerve!

It was weird not having many classes. I almost didn't know what to do with myself!

The day did pass quite quickly though. Classes went fairly well.

I went out for lunch today. It was nice, I wanted to have wafu hamburger, but I don't think they had any. I ended up having mushroom pilaf. It came with salad and consomme. It was very good. On the way back to the school I grabbed a chocolate milkshake. Yum.

After work I asked my manager and David to go to Mr. Donuts for a quick bite. David and I went together and the manager followed us later. It was nice. I had a frozen coffee, a bowl of soup and a donut. It was relaxing to sit and talk and listen to the English radio. At 11:00 we left and walked to our respective houses.

I watch Charmed and then Boy Meets World. I'm now watching last night's Sherlock Holmes. It's pretty good.

Oh hey, this morning when I walked through the mall they played David Cassidy again. Yay! It always seems like a good portent. And in fact, it was a good day.

Gotta bed is calling me and all that. Good night.

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