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November 2, 2001 - Friday

Hello again! Yes, it's me.

What was my day like? Well, even though it wasn't so busy, it was tiring. I had 2 early classes then a break. The manager and I went to the bank to set up my account for my rent and also to change my address. I had to fill out many forms and hanko things many, many times. Okay, actually the manager filled out many forms, but I did the hankoing!

I stayed a bit late tonight to do some paperwork. I got it done, but I wanted to do other things too. However, I was just darn tired and decided not to do them tonight. I might go in and do them tomorrow!

When I got home I decided that Fumihiko's hair cut isn't so much Frankenstein's Monster's as it is Forrest Gump's. However, Fumihiko hasn't seen Forrest Gump (is it possible, really?) so he doesn't get my point!

My new furniture is here too. It looks very nice. I can hardly wait to put my clothes into it. I really hope that my clothes fit! I have so many.

Nothing much planned for tomorrow yet. If anything comes up the updates may be delayed or cancelled entirely. Don't wait up for me!


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