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November 3, 2001 - Saturday

I love holidays. When I should be working, but I'm not. I like to lie in and just enjoy. Well, I used to lie in and enjoy. Now I have to get up. Sigh.

I'm a day late on this update, but you'll have to bear with me. Yesterday was quite a long day.

After I got up, Fumihiko and I decided which would be the best day for me to go into work. We decided today, Saturday. His Mum wanted to go to visit her mother so they dropped me off at the office on the way.

Fumihiko took some things to my apartment and then came into the office to "help" me. He did a bit, but mostly he just got in my way. So after 4 hours we left. I was pretty hungry by this time so we went to Steak One. It is one of those steak and all the salad, rice and whatever you can eat places. It was pretty good. I had steak and chicken, and a lot of salad.

After we gorged ourselves, we decided what to do for our next move. We had to go home so Fumihiko could walk and feed the dog. We did that and then we went to the Mikawa Jusco to see a movie. The movie that we wanted to see wasn't playing until almost 10:00 pm so I did some shopping. I bought 2 new waist bags and something else to put in Van's present.

Annoyingly, when I went to pay for them, the sales clerk didn't even look at me, or speak to me, he talked to Fumihiko. I was pretty steamed. I was the one paying, and while I admit I probably wouldn't have understood what he was paying, it was extremely rude.

Next we wandered down the mall. I noticed that some old guy was looking at us a bit strangely and I thought that it might be Fumihiko's neighbour. Fumihiko didn't notice, of course. We stopped outside Seattle's Best Coffee so that Fumihiko could read the menu and the guy came over to us and asked Fumihiko if I was American! I can't believe it. Twice in one night! I quite snottily replied (in Japanese) that I am Canadian. (Note to Japanese readers, a good way to annoy a Canadian is to ask if they are American!) Then he started speaking to me in half English and half Japanese. It was so annoying, Fumihiko and I were outside a coffee shop, looking at the menu, obviously about to go in and he starts asking us all kinds of questions about where I'm from and where do I live, etc. The nerve! Anyway, after about 10 minutes of this nonsense we just kind of walked away from the man and went into the coffee shop.

We had our coffee and just sat for a while. I transferred the contents of my old bag into one of my new ones and I told him that if anyone ever does that again, he has my complete and total okay to tell them to go to hell, or whatever the Japanese equivalent of that is.

After sitting there for a while, I asked to put my stuff in the car, so we took it out and then came back in and went to the movie. We went to see Evolution, with David Duchovny and Julianne Moore. It was pretty funny, totally stupid, but a lot of fun.

After the movie we came home, had our baths and prepared to go to bed when the phone rang. At 1:40 in the morning the phone rang. It was his mother. She wanted to check if we had fed the dog. Pardon me, but when my phone rings at 1:40 in the morning it had better be because someone from Canada got the time wrong, or because someone died.

Anyhow, that's it. I wrote this entry on Sunday morning and as you can no doubt tell from my language, I'm still upset about many things. Not sure when I'll be able to write next as we do have plans for tonight.

Bye for now!

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