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November 4, 2001 - Sunday

It seems like it was a long day now!

We slept in a bit on Sunday and then I got up as I was darn hungry. I had to do the cooking and it wasn't a happy thing. I decided to make pancakes, as I still had a mix for it, but I couldn't find anything that I needed in the kitchen. In fact, it was darn simpler to unpack some of my stuff and then use it to make up the pancakes. I made some, with very little help from Fumihiko. I was in a terrible mood as every time I wanted to ask him something he'd buggered off doing something else. I burnt my finger when some bacon fat spat at me, so I was in even a worse mood after that.

Finally they were made, and eaten and Fumihiko was nice enough to help me clean up.

He had to go and pick up his Mum, so he did that while I washed some of my laundry.

That being done he wanted to go out to see a mountain. I asked him if we had enough time as we were leaving at 4 to go to Sakata. He said we did, but of course we didn't. We drove to Oyama and then climbed all the way to the top of the observation tower. The view was nice so it was worth all the puffing to get there!

We drove back to his house, except of course we were late and I still had to get ready. It took a while, especially since Fumihiko had nothing that I thought was good for him to wear. Sigh. Men have no idea about clothes.

We drove to Sakata, but it was almost 5 by now and we were supposed to be IN Sakata at 5. We got to the meeting place, and finally met with Naomi's husband. Then we met up with Manabu and Keiko and we all went to Naomi's. Dinner was very nice. I didn't get a pair of chopsticks like everyone else though, not sure why. I had a pair, but they were taken away. Oh well.

After supper we talked for a bit and then we went our separate ways.

And that's all I'm going to say on that subject.

I'm off to get some sleep now. Good day eh!

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