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November 5, 2001 - Monday

Happy Guy Fawkes day!

It's also one year ago that I got engaged! Fumihiko pointed out tonight that he'd asked for a bit longer, but one year ago was when I first said "Maybe, okay!"

Today was okay. I did get mad at someone this morning, but then he bought me breakfast so I forgave him. We came back to the house and had naps, and then in the afternoon we went to my apartment and set up some things. My TV and VCR are there, as are my cooking stuff. Hurray. I'll have to take some clothes over later.

We went grocery shopping and he also helped me buy some kerosene, winter is coming, quite sadly.

In the evening we ate supper at our house, and then spent a bit of time with Gombei the dog. He's been feeling a bit neglected I think, he doesn't get to see much of Fumihiko. He's been a bit jealous towards me too, so hopefully this will help.

I came upstairs later and unpacked one of my suitcases. Not much I know, but better than nothing.

I'm going to have a bath or shower soon, and then it'll be time for bed. Work tomorrow. Sigh. I hate busy days. Sigh, sigh, sigh.

Night night!

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