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November 6, 2001 - Tuesday

To quote Queen, "Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening, me!" It's storming now so maybe not a good time to use a computer or do work on line. Hope all will be well!

Today was supposed to be a busy day, but one class cancelled and in another one only one person came, so my students were too busy for English. Is that possible?

I bumped into my old hairdresser today and she congratulated me on my marriage. I told her I want to come and get my hair cut soon. I don't know how much she understood though!

I also got a present from an ex-student today. She'd come into my school yesterday to visit, but of course I wasn't there. It was really nice, two tea cups, special for a couple.

It rained when I rode to work today, so I wore my blue rain cape. It was a bit scary but I made it okay. This evening it was very stormy around 8:00 pm and the lights even went off for a second. So, when I got a call around 9:25 from my husband offering me a ride home, I was very, very happy! He's such a nice guy.

He picked me up just before 10:00 and I got to see my Mother in law who very nicely heated my supper for me before she went to bed. I on the other hand, still have to take my bath or shower, I haven't decided yet!

And on that note, I will bid you good night and hope that I'm still here tomorrow and that my modem didn't get fried! Night night.

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