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November 7, 2001 - Wednesday

It was a busy day today. I had 7 lessons. One of them was a new student, but it went quite well. That's always good! In my last class only half of the class showed up, but we still had fun.

I don't have a lot to write about. I rode to work this morning and it was drizzling a bit, but not too bad. Tonight when I rode home, it had stopped raining so it wasn't bad. However, I saw that it is getting much colder on the TV news, so I am a bit worried.

I think there's going to be a party on Sunday to welcome the manager and I to Tsuruoka school. That's rather nice. I'm looking forward to it.

And that's really it. Nothing too exciting to write about. Except maybe this, I've been trying to find coloured construction paper and I can't. I can get large sheets, or rolls, but I want something that I can just put through the photocopier. Hmm. It's a mystery!

Good night!

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