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November 8, 2001 - Thursday

I had another busy day. I didn't get home until well after 11. I thought I could leave early, but I discovered that I had to do a lot of paperwork. It just isn't fair!

When I biked I really put some effort into it and instead of hitting all of the red lights, I hit mostly green ones. Yay! It's the first time for me I think.

Classes went pretty well today. The child acted up a bit, but he wasn't that bad at all. My first class didn't show up again. Sigh. I miss them when they don't come!

At lunch I bought some envelopes so that I can mail Van's birthday present to her, but unfortunately I got home so late that I'm too tired to do it now. Sorry Van.

I also got an envelope from her today. It had a short letter and Fumihiko's camera lens cap. He'd left it in her house when we were staying there. There was also a drawing from Katie-chan...I think it was supposed to be me, but it looked a bit like a balloon with legs and a tail!!!

Anyway, that's all you get tonight. Have a good day!

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