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November 9, 2001 - Friday

A pretty good day.

It was raining when I left for work so I brought in the dog. The poor thing wasn't very happy out in the rain. Biking wasn't fun either. I wore my wool hat under my rain cape hood, which helped with my peripheral vision. It meant that my hood didn't slip and cover my face. That was good.

I stopped in at the post office too, to mail Van's birthday present. I'm a bit worried because the guy didn't make me fill out a customs form, in this day and under these conditions, I would have thought I'd have to list EVERYTHING. Oh well. I know that there's nothing bad in it.

Work was fine too. Most of the students showed up and classes were quite fun. At least they were for me!

After work I managed to do all of my paperwork quickly and I got on my bike and rode home again. It was nice to be home a little sooner. The dog went nuts when I got home. I don't understand him. He's crazy! I don't think he likes me wearing gloves, which I do because it's cold at night.

I ate a lovely supper of udon, and tempura, watched Ally McBeal and then went to bed. A pretty nice day!

Bye bye..... Oh, I might be late with tomorrow's entry...don't worry about me.

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