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November 11, 2001 - Sunday

Remembrance Day

Well, the day started out okay. It really did. When I got up in the morning I got Fumihiko to cut the raisin bread that I'd bought yesterday, while I made coffee and got out the yogurt. I toasted the bread, but it was the first time in a year and a bit that I'd used that toaster so it kinda got over-toasted! Still, neither of us seemed to mind. Fumihiko said it was the first time he'd had raisin toast, which I find really hard to believe.

We left to pick up Hitomi and the manager a little late, but surprisingly got to both places on time. We even arrived at Honamikaido about 20 minutes too early! It was a beautiful day and it was warm and sunny, so no one minded waiting outside for a bit.

The party was a lot smaller than it was supposed to be. It was too bad. About 4 people called and said that they couldn't come. The rest of us ate a lot of pasta and pizza and salad. Dessert was interesting, sesame sherbet. I rather liked it. They also gave us coffee, but it was pretty awful. Really strong.

After the party we all decided what to do, and everyone but me wanted to go driving. The big idea was to go to Mount Chokai to see the fall colours. Well, I'm Canadian, so to be honest that's kind of boring, but it was a nice day, so I agreed to go along.

We drove and drove and drove and finally stopped at some place in the middle of nowhere. Don't know where. We all took a break, most of us used the washroom and then we went to this other place with many sculptures of Buddha. There's a good view of the sunset over the ocean there. I bought Fumihiko and I ice cream cones and we walked down to the shore. He was actually holding my hand when he didn't think anyone was looking.

Honestly, Japanese people are so anti-public displays of affection that it's almost a joke. So what if we hold hands in public? We are married after all. I think it's allowed!

Anyway, we went down and saw some of the sculptures and watched the sun set with everyone from our group. Fumihiko took a lot of pictures and was climbing on the rocks. I was a bit nervous, but he didn't hurt himself!

After that everyone asked what we should do and the answer from me was "go home!" I knew it would be almost 6 before we got home and I thought it was too much togetherness for one day!

We drove back to Fumihiko's house and were immediately sent out again to get some rice. So we drove to the supermarket and Fumihiko showed me one of the places that the Jusco bus stops on it's way to Mikawa. Yay. I might try and get there tomorrow if I have time! We drove home again, with rice in hand and ate supper.

And that's it. Fumihiko tried to keep me company while I wrote this entry, but to be honest, in the last 24 hours I haven't had a minute to myself so I sent him packing, in the nicest way possible. I'm adjusting to this whole marriage thing, but for me giving up my freedom is one thing that I have a bit of trouble doing. He's been great about it though.

I'll likely go to bed in a couple of hours, so I think I'll end this little entry here. Don't know exactly what I'll do tomorrow. I'm sure you'll find out though!


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