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November 12, 2001 - Monday

A day that started out quite bad but had a nice ending.

In the morning I planned to meet someone who wanted to help me learn Japanese. But, I also had to do laundry. So I did it, while I checked my computer to see where and what place. Unfortunately she didn't know the place I wanted to meet and I was running late. There was also a terrible rainstorm at the time.

We finally agreed on a time and a place, but I didn't leave my house until the meeting time, so of course I was late. When I got to the place I was shocked! It had closed! I stood outside, thinking that she might see me if she drove by. I was 15 minutes late and I didn't have her telephone number or her email address with me. Oh dear. I waited for 15 minutes and then went home and wrote her another email.

Of course, for the trip home, the weather had gotten a bit better and it wasn't raining.

At home I sent her an email then I unpacked the rest of my cds. Yay!

Around 2 o'clock, I donned my blue rain cape and set out for the place to catch the Jusco bus. I got there really early so I had to stand in the rain. I was a bit worried that I might be in the wrong place, but soon another lady came and stood there too, so I knew I was okay.

We got on the bus when it came and had a pretty uneventful ride to the mall. At the mall I had a late lunch and then I went shopping. I won't say what I bought, just that it was for Fumihiko's birthday. I really hope he likes it. I haven't really bought a lot of men's clothes. I didn't even buy my dad any when I was a kid.

I had a cinnamon roll from Mr. Donuts and then I called Fumihiko at 5:15, almost on the dot.

He came to meet me, looking very sharp in his 3 piece suit. I felt positively dowdy next to him, except I was wearing bright pink, so not that dowdy! We even bumped into the lady that had been waiting at the same bus stop and I'm sure she was with HER husband. I think we both did the same thing.

We decided to go for supper, where we ate fried rice and fried noodles at a Chinese restaurant. It was good, but a bit expensive. Upstairs, I bought some stickers while Fumihiko ate some takoyaki, octopus balls with sauce. Pretty good. The restaurant that makes them also makes, surprise of surprise, poutine! They have two kinds, one with salsa (is that really a poutine?) and one with chicken sauce (a bit more like it). But, did they have cheese on it too? I wanna know. Maybe next time I'll find out!

Then we decided to go to a movie. The only one playing that I had any real interest in was Sweet November, so that's the one we went to. It was nice and sweet and a little sad. Keanu was pretty good in it. He's doing better these days!

After the movie we came home where Fumihiko's mother was waiting for us, with supper. Oh dear. He had told her that we would eat out tonight, but she made supper anyway. Sigh. So we did eat a bit, we kind of had to.

Then, Fumihiko showed me this Japanese game with flat marbles. I'm not really sure how to play it yet, but maybe he'll show me again.

And that's it. I'm going to take a bath soon and probably go to bed. The wind is wuthering around the house right now and it sounds very cold and scary out there.

Keep warm everyone! Night.

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