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November 20, 2001 - Tuesday

A good day. I was quite busy, without being insane!

The worst thing of the day was that I left home 10 minutes later than I wanted to, but I still arrived at work with time to spare, so not too bad.

I couldn't find my rain cape before work, so I had to leave it and hope that it wouldn't rain. I was lucky. It did rain I think during the day, but when I left for home, the weather was fine, and the road was dry. Yay!

And that's about it. Really, a nice normal day. Supper tonight was soup with mochi in it. I don't mind mochi so much that way. I don't like swallowing big amounts of mochi though. I worry about it getting stuck in my throat. Oh well, least I can Heimlich myself!

Sleep tight everyone!

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