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November 21, 2001 - Wednesday

Today was a long day. I had 7 lessons, of which 6 went really well, and one went horribly, but that's the way things go sometimes.

I arrived at work and I was still a little hungry. I went over to the bakery for a light snack and realized on the way that I hadn't prepared for my second lesson! I hurried back and got every thing sorted out. Unfortunately I didn't have time to eat what I bought so I just stuffed my sandwich in a drawer for later.

I did eat later, plus do a bit of preparation.

After all the classes finished I talked to the manager for a bit, did my paperwork, and then went home. I felt a bit funny as I left before Hitomi, but I decided that it was okay, as she would normally leave before me. I was done and she wasn't.

I got home after a nice ride, just in time. We're now having heavy rain, might even be hail and I missed it by about 10 minutes. Good thing I didn't wait!

I ate a delicious white stew and rice for supper and now I'm just writing my entry before bed. That's my day. I was busy, and I'll be busy tomorrow too. Night all.

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