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November 19, 2001 - Monday

Yowzah! What a day!

Fumihiko and I stayed up late to watch the Leonids. We went outside at 3:20 or so and I suggested that we take Gombei. Fumihiko said we didn't have to. We couldn't see any meteors from where we were so we walked over to the Park. We didn't see any there either so we walked home. As we got close, we realized that Gombei was barking his head off. When we got home, Fumihiko's mum was up wondering what all the noise was about. He told her, and then we went up to our room. I went down to use the toilet and for some reason, Gombei started barking again. Fumihiko wouldn't shut him up, so his mum got up again and then for some reason came up to our room and opened the door. We weren't doing anything to be honest, just looking out at the sky, but it was weird. They spoke a few words and then we watched some of the shooting stars. We saw at least 10, but there was so much cloud cover. I can only imagine if there hadn't been any, it would have been great!

In the morning we got up (late) and I did laundry while Fumihiko did a few errands. Then, we left. The road to Niigata was under major amounts of construction, so it took a long time to drive there. I felt bad about that, but we had some good tunes (Barenaked Ladies, Dean Martin) so it wasn't that bad.

We finally arrived in Niigata. We parked and then went shopping! Yay! We went to Kinokuniya books and I got some magazines and books, Virgin Megastore- a cd, Muji store, lots of things and along the way went to my tea shop that I love so much. I also bought some stamps, and stamping equipment. Hurray! (long time, no stamps!)

Then it was supper time. I wanted to go to the Rock and Roll Diner, but it's gone. I was shocked, and surprised. All day I'd been dreaming about the chicken enchilada's and it was gone. Instead we ended up going to Capprichoza's for pasta and salad. That was really nice anyway. I had mushroom and pumpkin sauce spaghetti, and Fumihiko had risotto. It was great.

We got lost a bit on the drive out of the city, but Fumihiko stopped and asked for directions. I was hoping we'd end up in Tokyo, but no such luck!

The ride home was great, we listened to music and chatted a bit. At home, the dog wasn't too noisy for a change. Hurray.

And that was it. A nice day with my husband. Tomorrow, it's back to work. Sigh.

Night night!

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