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November 25, 2001 - Sunday

Today is the day of the haircut. Hurray! After almost one year, I finally got my hair cut. The verdict? It looks great! I should have got it cut right after the wedding like I originally planned.

So, Fumihiko and I slept in again. I think his Mum was a bit ticked off at us as she basically chased us out of the house when we did get up! We went for breakfast first, unagi don, then to Marica where I got my hair cut.

After the haircut we went for tea upstairs before we headed off to Musashi. That's a big hardware store. We got a few things, had a look at the pet shop too. It always upsets me though, seeing all those puppies in cages. They are clean and well fed, but some are in the cages by themselves. They had a Sheltie there and I was torn between wanting to bring it home and telling the store off for having it all alone.

A while later we went back home and had supper. His Mum had calmed down a bit. After supper we headed off to the apartment where I made a lot more cards and Fumihiko really did help me this time by colouring them. We watched a couple of movies too, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Big Trouble in Little China. They were both a lot of fun.

Round about midnight we came home again. Fumihiko's mum kind of met us at the door. I hope she wasn't angry with us. I don't know, I don't really talk to her, so I don't know what she says.

And that's it! Tune in tomorrow night for another exciting update to find out what I do on my other day off!

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