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November 26, 2001 - Monday

A different sort of day from the day that I planned, but good nonetheless.

In the morning I got up and did laundry after I did the email thing. I figured that if I left the house no later than 11:30, I could just make the bus to Mikawa Jusco. I didn't make it!

As I was just at the end of our street my husband drove up in a snazzy car. He told me there was an American style Flea Market at Tsuruoka Park and offered to drive me there. So, I said okay. When we got there we went in. Most of the clothes were sweatshirts and stuff...looked a bit too hip-hop for me. We left and Fumihiko offered to drive me back to the bus stop, but it was too late. I asked him to drive me to Daiei instead. He did and I jumped out. I looked around Daiei, but there wasn't a whole lot that I wanted to buy. It's sad, but true! I walked to Marica, paid my rent for the apartment on the way and then decided to go back to the Washington hotel to check out their gift store. There wasn't anything to strike my fancy.

It was 1 pm by now, and I called Keiko, a person who I met through Gabrielle. She had asked if I wanted to go for lunch today, and I thought that I wouldn't be able to , but I was still in Tsuruoka, so it would be fine. Keiko offered to come and get me, and did. We were going to go to the Daichi hotel for lunch, but then she heard that I was going to go to Mikawa after so she offered to drive me. What a nice person!

We drove to Mikawa and had lunch at Paper Moon. It was very nice, soup, salad, main course, dessert and coffee or tea for ¥1200 yen. A veritable bargain.

After lunch she had to go back to Tsuruoka to work, so I went shopping. I bought up the stores! I had 3 huge bags and I was getting tired. I had a snack at Mr. Donuts and then I went and phoned Fumihiko.

He came to meet me and we went for coffee. Thankfully, before we had our coffee, I put my bags in the car. After coffee we walked around and ran into an old friend of his. That was a surprise.

We had supper in the soba/udon restaurant, but it wasn't very good. I didn't like the tempura and he didn't like my soba, so I probably won't go back there.

Then we went to the movie. We went to see Original Sin (in Japan, Poison). It was pretty good. Antonio Banderas and Angelina Jolie make an interesting pair.

After the movie, Fumihiko asked the ticket seller if Harry Potter would be shown in dubbed or with subtitles, and the best news of the day is BOTH! That way I can go and see it. Hurray. Hurray. Hurray. I'm so happy. It looks like they'll have it in 3 theatres. I have to see it. I've been waiting for it for so long.

When we got home I unpacked my goodies to show him and now he's off taking his bath. I'll take one when he's done. Now that my hair is short it takes a lot less time to wash and dry my hair. Hurray for my short hair! Hurray for Harry Potter! Hurray for me! (as Katie-chan would say!)

And that's it. A pretty good day all told. Now the wind is wuthering around the house and I'm really glad that I don't have to ride my bicycle in this weather. I hope it's clear and calm tomorrow.


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