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November 27, 2001 - Tuesday

A pretty good day actually.

This morning I got up and turned on the heater so that I could check my email. My poor computer is having a hard time in this cold, cold weather. I managed to get it warmed up enough and then I ate breakfast. I also had a mail delivery today from Canada. My friend Michelle always manages to get her parcels to me on time, but this time she outdid herself! It's huge. I can't wait for Christmas now!

When I left for work it wasn't too bad, but five minutes later it started snowing little ice pellets. Not exactly hail, but darn close. Luckily I was wearing my beautiful rain cape, so I didn't come to to much harm.

Work was fine today. My first class didn't show up as both people were busy, but almost everybody else did. I had a pretty good day as far as classes too. My child's class was a bit dodgy for a while as she was tired, but I pulled out one of my new card games and we played that for a bit. Then she was okay again.

After 9 Aki left quite early and I had just gone to the washroom when I heard a familiar "Hello!" It was Fumihiko! He had just finished his work and was offering me a ride home. As the weather hadn't improved much I took him up on his offer. Yay! I still had to do a bit of paperwork, but I did that quickly and then came home with him.

We ate supper together and then Fumihiko went out to change his car's tyres. It's time to put on the winter ones. Sigh. I was a bit worried that the car would slip and fall on him, but he refused my offer of watching him work. So, I came upstairs and proceeded to make the beds and then I unpacked another box. Hurray! I always feel a great accomplishment when I fold down another box. It's funny, but it didn't take me nearly this long to pack the darn boxes!!!

Anyway, he's off doing the bath thing and I'll have mine after him. Things are fine, except I think its going to snow which makes it really difficult to get to work. Sigh.

Never mind! Good night!

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