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October 21, 2001 - Sunday

A kind of different day! I went from being a tomboy type in the morning to being a girly-girl in the afternoon.

This morning I went fishing with my husband! We went to Kamo Bay to fish for Aji, which are basically little sardines. I had to pay for the bait because Fumihiko conveniently forgot his wallet!!! (a likely story!) I was the first one to catch a fish, and we ended up catching about 16 of the little fish. He thought I was weird because I kept apologizing to them for catching them, but I just felt it was the right thing to do. We brought them home and he cleaned them and his mum made tempura with them so we had them for lunch. Yum.

In the afternoon I did some laundry and sewed the sleeve of one of my favourite shirts. I really love it, but for some reason the sleeve had become unraveled.

In the evening we went to the Dai-ichi Hotel to have dinner to celebrate Fumihiko's Mum's birthday. It was nice, the view was wonderful, but if you ordered certain things the chef would come out and cook them in front of you, but unfortunately, we didn't order those things! Another group did, and their garlic rice smelt wonderful.

We came home and as they were watching an inane Japanese show that I couldn't understand, I went upstairs and worked on some of my much-delayed thank you cards. I did about 4 tonight, so not a bad effort really.

And I think that's about it for today. Fumihiko is off to take his bath soon and I'll take one after he's done. It's been a long day today. I actually got up before I usually do today, so good for me, huh?

On that note, I'll bid you good night! Good night!

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