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September 29, 2001 - Saturday

Today was a pretty good day. I got a lot of work done, even though I wasn't so busy teaching. I'm happy to say that!

I had the equivalent of 5 classes today and I think they went quite well. One class didn't happen, but I used the time to make some class notes. Yay for me, as Katie would say!

I did a quick 5 minute interview during my lunch hour too. That was okay. Don't know how it will go.

I wore my lovely new coat to work today because at night it has been getting darn cold to walk home without sleeves. It was nice, but a bit hot on the walk to work. It also looks darn silly with a back pack on it, so I didn't wear it, I just carried it. I think I'll switch to one of my lovely new bags next week.

It's getting much colder. Outside it was 9 degrees tonight, and in my apartment its a chilly 17 degrees. I'm debating turning on my heater. I probably should just do it, but I hate to spend the money. Still, if I don't I'll freeze so I don't know what I'm complaining about!

Tomorrow I plan to be doing a lot of packing. Wish me luck!


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