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September 30, 2001 - Sunday

I had a quiet day today. I stayed home all day. I got up fairly early as I did go to bed quite early last night. I got up, checked some TV and then...went back to bed again for a while. When I got up again I stayed up.

I had to start packing today, and I did. But, I didn't do as much as I hoped I would. I think a lot of it was that I didn't have any packing tape, so it's hard to do a lot of packing.

Still, I got some done, I packed up my cds and I washed and rehung the curtains in my rooms. I even put new batteries in my door bell.

I cooked my own meals today too. Okay, they were just frozen meals heated, but I did it myself. Yay.

I am going to go to bed fairly soon I think. I'm quite tired. I'm not sure if I'm over my jet lag yet or not. It could just be a reaction to the stress of the last few weeks. Hmm.

I'm off to bed soon. Night!

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