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April 4, 2002 - Thursday

A nice Spring day, but a bit cloudy and cool.

This morning I sent some email, and read a bit, then left for work. I ran smack dab into the middle of the construction again, even though I tried to avoid it again. Oh well.

Work was fine today, but a bit quiet. One class had canceled for today and another just didn't show up. Sigh. So I was able to finish up and get home by 9:45. That was great!

Nothing much happened today. Fumihiko did call a travel agent about our Golden Week vacation and it seems like we can go somewhere. Hurray.

I won't have an update tomorrow as I'm going to stay at the apartment with Fumihiko. He has another drinking party so it's easier if we stay there. 'Sides then we can play The Bouncer. I'm not the only one hooked on that game!!!

Night night.

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