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April 3, 2002 - Wednesday

A beautiful clear morning with some nasty rain at the end of the day.

This morning I lost a button on my favourite lumberjack shirt. What a bummer. I was in traffic, on my bike, so I couldn't very well get off and look for it.

I also tried to get to work a different way, but I didn't really manage it. I was trying to avoid all of the damn construction, but ended up back in it. Sigh.

Work was fine today. Classes went quite well and everyone seemed happy. I even managed to leave at a decent time tonight and was home around 10. Yahoo.

At lunch I went out and ate lunch in a restaurant. On the way there I noticed that Jusco had some shirts on sale so I decided to buy some on the way back. Then I passed through the children's section and saw the cutest little t-shirts. I had to buy a couple for Katie. I think she'll love them when she gets them. That means I have to mail them someday soon though!

Not much else to say today though...Sorry about that. Night night.

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