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April 8, 2002 - Monday

Cloudy and muggy, but no rain.

A busy day. I went to the apartment this morning and took a nap. Then I woke up and watched some TV on video and played a game of The Bouncer.

I left the apartment at 11:30 to meet my friend at the station. She got there on time and we went to Mr Donuts to have lunch. After lunch we went shopping and we took a print club. That was fun. I left her at the station so that she could go off to Tokyo tonight.

Then I went off to Daiei and went shopping. I didn't see too much, but I did manage to find something for my friend. Then I hit the grocery store and bought some stuff for lunch. I walked back to the apartment via Hard Off to have a look at Playstation 2 games. I didn't' see any that I wanted so I left.

At the apartment I played The Bouncer again and got passed the part I was stuck at before. Yay! Lots of cool things happened. I'm proud of myself.

Then Fumihiko came and picked me up at the apartment and we went to a Yakitori Shop for supper. It was really nice. I expected it to be all chicken but it wasn't. Locally yakitori can be more than chicken. No one told me before!

We came home and I came upstairs and wrapped my presents. While I did that I watched the Oscars tape which arrived today. It's so cool. I saw an ad for Dairy Queen so I got all nostalgic for Peanut Buster Parfaits. It's been a long time.

Fumihiko is trying to watch the Oscars with me, but I think I was a bit rude to him. He was talking all the time. I guess he doesn't realize that this is a veritable religious experience for me. When I lived in Canada I'd unplug the phone and turn off the lights and just watch. Sigh. I'll have to stop it soon as the show is 3 hours long and I have to go to bed sometime tonight!

Anyway, that's it for me. Good night!

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